Series 6 Plus Solar Panel : Sustainable Recyclable Energy Solutions

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Key Takeaways

  • Series 6 Plus solar panels offer up to 480 watts of power and up to 19.0% efficiency, making them a top choice for sustainable energy.

  • The panels use CadTel technology, which is more environmentally friendly than conventional silicon panels.

  • With a superior temperature coefficient and low degradation rate, these panels promise long-term performance.

  • First Solar, the manufacturer, emphasizes end-to-end sustainability with a robust recycling program for its panels.

  • Investing in Series 6 Plus solar panels can reduce your carbon footprint and potentially increase your property’s value.

When it comes to harnessing the power of the sun, Series 6 Plus solar panels are like the superheroes of sustainable energy. They pack a punch with their high wattage and impressive efficiency, but that’s just the start. Let’s dig into what makes these panels a brilliant choice for anyone looking to make a positive impact on the planet while powering their life.

What Makes Series 6 Plus Stand Out

First things first, Series 6 Plus solar panels aren’t your average energy collectors. They’re crafted with care by First Solar, a company that’s committed to pushing the boundaries of what solar technology can do. Here’s the scoop:

  • They come in ranges from 455 to 480 watts, which is quite beefy compared to many other panels out there.

  • Efficiency? You bet. These panels hit up to 19.0% efficiency, meaning they convert more sunlight into electricity than many of their peers.

  • And they’re designed to last. We’re talking a 30-year output warranty, with a degradation rate that’s less than half of what you’d see with other panels.

But how do they manage to be so powerful and durable? It’s all thanks to the innovative CadTel technology they use. It’s a thin film semiconductor that’s not only more efficient in converting sunlight but also kinder to our planet.

The Journey to a Sustainable Energy Future

Let’s take a step back and think big picture. Solar energy isn’t just about saving on your electricity bill (though that’s a nice perk). It’s about building a future where we rely on clean, renewable resources. By choosing panels like the Series 6 Plus, you’re joining a movement that’s all about reducing our environmental impact and creating a sustainable legacy.

Understanding Solar Panel Technology

Before we get too carried away, let’s break down how solar panels work. Imagine each panel as a sandwich. The bread is the glass and backing, and the filling is layers of semiconductor material – in this case, CadTel. When sunlight hits the sandwich, it creates an electric field across the layers, which gets the current flowing. It’s this current that’s harnessed as the electricity we use.

The Basics of Solar Energy Conversion

Now, not all sunlight that hits a panel can be converted to electricity. The efficiency of a solar panel tells us what percentage of sunlight can be converted. With Series 6 Plus panels, up to 19% of that sunlight is transformed into usable energy, which is top-notch in the solar world.

First Solar Series 6 Plus Solar Panel Specifications




Thin film (CdTe)

Power Range

455 ~ 480 Wp


United States


30 Years of 83.5% Output Power

Maximum Power (Pmax)

455 – 480 Wp

Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmpp)

183.6 – 184.7 V

Current at Maximum Power (Impp)

2.37 – 2.38 A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)

222 – 223.8 V

Panel Efficiency

Up to 19.0%


$0.46/W – $174.00 per panel


34.0 – 34.9 kg (75 – 78 lbs)


2024 x 1245 mm (79.7 x 49.0 inches)

Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)

800W/m2, AM 1.5, windspeed 1m/s, ambient temperature 20°C

Operating Temperature Range

-40~85 °C (-40 ~185 °F)

Maximum System Voltage

1500 V

Series Fuse Rating

5 A

Cell Type

Thin film(CdTe)

Glass Type

Anti-reflection Coating, Tempered

Frame Type

Anodized Aluminium

Junction Box Protection Class

IP 68

Connector Type


Cable Crossection

2.5 mm2

Cable Length

733 mm


Solar Panel Lifespan and Efficiency

When you’re thinking about going solar, you want to know your panels will stand the test of time. Series 6 Plus panels are built to last with a 30-year output warranty. Plus, their annual degradation rate – that’s the rate at which they become less effective – is a mere 0.3%, way below the industry standard.

The Eco-Friendly Edge of Series 6 Plus

Choosing solar is a win for the environment, but Series 6 Plus panels take it a step further. Here’s how:

  • They have a smaller carbon footprint in production compared to traditional silicon panels.

  • The water used in their production is minimal, making them an even greener choice.

  • And let’s not forget the recycling program by First Solar, ensuring that the panels are responsibly handled at the end of their life.

But wait, there’s more. The CadTel technology used in these panels isn’t just efficient; it’s also less resource-intensive. This means that producing these panels requires fewer raw materials, which in turn leads to a lower environmental impact.

Remember, every solar panel installed is a step towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. By choosing Series 6 Plus, you’re not just lighting up your home; you’re also becoming part of the solution to our global energy challenges.

The Role of CadTel in Cleaner Energy Production

CadTel, or Cadmium Telluride, is the secret ingredient that sets Series 6 Plus panels apart. Unlike the more common silicon-based panels, CadTel panels require less energy to produce and can generate electricity from sunlight even on cloudy days. This means that over their lifetime, they have the potential to produce more energy compared to the energy used to manufacture them – a concept known as the energy payback time.

Recycling in Manufacturing

First Solar, the makers of the Series 6 Plus, doesn’t just stop at creating an efficient product; they also lead the charge in sustainable manufacturing practices. They’ve implemented a robust recycling program where nearly 90% of each decommissioned panel is recyclable, turning potential waste into valuable materials for new panels.

It’s a closed-loop system that ensures resources are conserved and waste is minimized. This is a big deal because it addresses one of the traditional criticisms of solar technology – what happens to the panels at the end of their life?

By choosing Series 6 Plus, you’re supporting a company that’s thinking about the full lifecycle of its products, from the drawing board to decades down the line when the panels have done their duty.

Maximizing Energy Output with Series 6 Plus

So, you’ve decided to go solar and want to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. That’s where Series 6 Plus shines. Its design and technology maximize energy output, so you can enjoy more clean power for more years. Here’s what makes them so effective:

  • Superior temperature coefficient means they perform better in hot weather compared to other panels.

  • Their spectral response is top-notch, so they can convert more types of light into energy.

  • They’re designed to be less affected by shading, so a little shade won’t stop your energy production in its tracks.

And let’s not forget their advanced glass design that captures light from all angles, ensuring that every last ray of sunshine is put to good use.

With these features, you’re looking at a panel that can produce more energy per square foot than many others on the market. That’s efficiency you can feel good about.

Optimized Design for Peak Performance

The Series 6 Plus panels are not just about what’s on the inside. Their exterior design is also engineered for peak performance. The frame is sturdy, designed to withstand heavy loads and extreme weather conditions. This means less worry about damage from wind or snow, and more time enjoying the benefits of solar energy.

The panels also feature an anti-reflective coating, which helps capture more light and turn it into energy. It’s details like this that make all the difference when it comes to how much power your solar system can generate.

Enhancing Balance of System Savings

When you’re going solar, the panels are just one part of the equation. You also need to think about the balance of system (BOS) – that’s all the parts besides the panels, like inverters, mounting systems, and wiring. Series 6 Plus panels are designed to make the BOS more efficient, which can save you money in a few ways:

  • They’re compatible with a wide range of inverters and mounting systems, giving you the flexibility to choose cost-effective options.

  • Their high efficiency means you might need fewer panels to meet your energy needs, which can reduce installation costs.

  • And because they’re designed to last longer with less degradation, you’ll save on maintenance and replacement costs over time.

Advanced Features of Series 6 Plus Panels

The Series 6 Plus panels are packed with advanced features that make them a smart choice for anyone looking to invest in solar. These aren’t your standard run-of-the-mill panels; they’re the result of cutting-edge research and innovation.

Gleaning More Power with Fewer Resources

One of the most impressive things about Series 6 Plus panels is their ability to do more with less. They require fewer raw materials to produce than traditional silicon panels, yet they deliver some of the highest power outputs in the industry. This means that for the same amount of space on your roof, you could potentially generate more electricity with Series 6 Plus panels than with other types of solar panels.

It’s not just about power, though. It’s also about the savings – in costs and resources. By using less material, First Solar is able to reduce the cost of production, which can translate into savings for you when you purchase the panels.

Innovations in Module Efficiency and Degradation

The Series 6 Plus panels boast some of the best module efficiency rates in the solar industry. But what’s even more impressive is their degradation rate. Over time, all solar panels lose some of their ability to convert sunlight into electricity. However, the Series 6 Plus panels degrade at a rate of just 0.3% per year, which is about half the rate of many other solar panels. This means they’ll retain more of their initial efficiency over their lifetime.

  • Year 1: 100% efficiency

  • Year 10: 97% efficiency

  • Year 25: 92.5% efficiency

What does this mean for you? It means a solar panel that’s a long-term investment, continuing to deliver high levels of clean energy year after year.

Implementing Series 6 Plus in Your Life

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of what makes Series 6 Plus panels a stellar choice, it’s time to take action. Implementing solar energy in your life might seem daunting, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. Here’s how to get started:

  • Research local solar installers who offer Series 6 Plus panels.

  • Consider your energy needs and discuss with an installer how many panels you’ll need.

  • Look into incentives and rebates in your area that can help offset the initial cost.

  • Prepare for the installation and enjoy watching your electricity bills drop and your green credentials soar.

Remember, going solar isn’t just about what you’re doing for your home; it’s about the statement you’re making for the planet. With Series 6 Plus panels, that statement is loud and clear: you’re investing in a sustainable, recyclable energy solution that’s good for your wallet and great for the Earth.

Considering Solar for Home or Business

If you’re contemplating whether to install solar panels for your home or business, think of it as investing in the future. Not only do you reduce your dependency on traditional energy sources, but you also contribute to a greener planet. The Series 6 Plus solar panels are particularly suitable for both residential and commercial installations due to their high efficiency and durability.


Now, let’s tackle some frequently asked questions to clear up any lingering doubts you might have about going solar with Series 6 Plus panels.

What sets Series 6 Plus apart from other solar panels?

Series 6 Plus solar panels stand out due to their advanced thin-film CadTel technology, which offers higher efficiency and a lower environmental impact during production. Their robust design ensures they can withstand harsh weather conditions, and their superior energy output makes them an excellent investment for long-term savings.

How does investing in solar panels help the environment?

Investing in solar panels significantly reduces your carbon footprint. By using the sun’s renewable energy, you’re decreasing the demand for fossil fuels, which are the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, Series 6 Plus panels are recyclable, meaning they contribute to a circular economy, further minimizing environmental impact.

  • Reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

  • Lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Supports a circular economy through recyclability.

It’s not just about what you save but also what you contribute to the planet’s health.

Can Series 6 Plus panels increase my property value?

Yes, installing solar panels like the Series 6 Plus can increase your property value. Homes with solar installations often sell faster and at higher prices than those without. They’re seen as modern, energy-efficient, and cost-effective in the long run, making them more attractive to environmentally conscious buyers.

What is CadTel and why is it important for solar technology?

CadTel, or Cadmium Telluride, is a semiconductor material used in the Series 6 Plus panels. It’s important because it’s more efficient at converting sunlight to electricity than traditional silicon, especially in low-light conditions. This means better performance throughout the year, regardless of the weather.

How do I get started with installing Series 6 Plus panels?

Getting started is simpler than you might think. For a detailed guide on solar panel installation, consider reading our comprehensive PV module guide and specs.

  • Do your homework: Research and compare local solar installers.

  • Energy audit: Determine your energy needs to estimate the number of panels required.

  • Financial incentives: Look for local rebates or tax credits that can offset installation costs.

  • Installation: Work with a trusted installer to get your solar panels up and running.

Before you know it, you’ll be part of a growing community of sustainable energy users, enjoying the benefits of clean, renewable power right from your rooftop.